Monday, November 13, 2006

12/11/06 - 13/11/06

My previous post, I've deleted it after much consideration, consultation, and advices from my mum, familiy, gf & close friends, I've decided, that I'll bear the full shitty cost for my sister's mp3 player. Its my fault to begin with, for borrowing it from her initially. Anyway, if Tz you manage to find it, I'll thank you very much. My mum said, using this little amount, to learn a lesson, its worth it. And i totally agree, cause, now I've seen the true side of friends. However, we'll get over it. Probably, you just took it in a moment of greed, looking that no one was there and blah blah blah. WHATEVER LA.

Yes, i was at TZ's house that day, after weimin asked me to go. I went after he told me that we were going there to study. Receiving a call from her, i immediately bathed and headed out to find her. WAS STILL LATE THOUGH )): SORRY GIRL! Shouldnt have let you wait for 30mins. I promise, i promise that it'll be the last time that i'll ever let you wait for me again. )): Though you faked the whole day by ignoring me, i still feel kinda relieve that everything's worked out fine. Anyway :D , except for losing a 1 gig creative N200 mp3 player on that day, everything was fun. Took some really funny pictures which i would like to share with you people.

Make a guess? Whose nipples does it belong to?

A small clue to help you out HAH!
Pek = Strong hor

Went back to school on the 13/11 after a maths tuitio, thought that everyone was going, had my pe tee on already. Called Wm only to know that there's only Jeremy in school. Well, caught a few fun loving people in action again! WHOO!


She gave me a little something, which i really liked. Not gonna tell you people. NEH! HAHA!
Anyway, its back to mugging
<3 you people
<3 eunice
<3 my family


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