Anyway, a big big sorry. Haven been blogging for a long time, didnt really have the time, well, yea, busy with so many events going on at the same time. Anyway, shall try to find more time to blog.
Yes, yes. Gotta wish some of my bros a happy bday.
17 year old le, must be more sensible okay?
Bday celebration for Pek and Tz was a okay only. Didnt turn out to be much as we expected, but anyway, it was okay.
Alright, Happy bday to you Nigel Pek, I had waited so long, so so so long, trying to find a time to blog about those 17year olds. So here I am, for all of you above, OKAY?! Lol.
He doesnt look a thing like what you see in the picture above okay back in sec 1 when i first met him in class, proud to tell all of you that our Nigel Pek's very attractive now. So girls out there, he might not even want you even if you want him alright. Lol. He was the kind, who would accept any kind of relationship, right Pek? HAH!
Anyway, easily one of my best bros out there, he is also kinda like the daring ones out there, who would dare try out anything, when i mean anything, it is Anything.
Prove my words by this
Those who are close to him, this is nothing to all of us. But to those ordinary friends, this is scary.
And dont think that your eyes are failing you. He is definetely pissing off on a HDB wall.
Sexy? I have more, but i think he'll be angry, so I'll just push my luck alittle here.
Nigel pek; associated with, loyalty and faith. He is the kind, who would lend you money, when you need in it bad times. Dont mistake him as a Loan shark, he'll never ask you back for me, usually, he only collects back only less than what he had loaned out. &, there will always be people out there, who would lend it from him because of his this really cool entity.
Lol. I could still remember times when we played basketball at block 346, and when he got hungry, he would go like "ζεΎι₯ΏοΌ"
Then he'll sit down on the bench, and frown like an idoit. HAHA!
I'm proud to have you as my friend, I'll always remember you, you this crazy man, and I'll invite you to my wedding dinner when i marry Eunice, and I'll tell my kids about you bro.
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Anyone one of my best bros around, he is a good chatmate, when we would talk about where we'll end up after our life in secondary, and other ambitious thoughts we had back then. Remembering the days where we would escape classes, buy food and tibits and enjoy them at the hall, miss you lots my bro, and a belated Happy Bday to you handsome
Tatzhang AKA xD
Gayish name, but he's very intricate i tell you, very hard to guess what he's thinking on his mind. While all of us blurt our shit outs from our mouth (lol), this guy thinks before he speaks (wow)
Dont have much pictures of him, cause he doesnt like to be capture in the small frame like how Nigel and JH does,
Steady bro, hard to find guys who would rush down from work just to slack with us at the basketball court every Friday, keep up the good work, juggling work and poly.
Happy belated bday cs pro :D
A few pictures when we visited CCHY
I remember this walkway, where I would chat with my teachers after school, asking them about work.
I remember this walkway, so well.
Life's been not so well for me this few days, lots of wierds and stressing events taking place

so dark,
so quiet,
Im counting the days til your return
Anyway, shall try to blog more often,
life's so dull without my love around
Peace out
Counting til the days die out
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