Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Hello all. It has been awhile since I've blogged.
Everyone is busy now, for those in Polytechnics, this must be a crazy time, for everyone to rush their projects, and make sure that they get everything on time for their project deadlines.
My group and I aint no different, except we're always abit last minute when it comes to projects.

I am very fortunate, to have a group of poly friends that quite resemble my actual group of friends.
They joke around just like the way I do with my friends, and they are also very honest.
I am the type that hates people who talk behind other's backs.
Maybe it has become like an instinct to speak up, and to be honest in what you feel.
Whenever I have quarrels with my friends, family and even with my Eunice, I do not hesitate to speak up for my point.
However, I know that I am very irrational at times, and I am very selfish. I tend to get things in my head and it keeps hanging around me, until it really hits me to find trouble with certain issues. I am changing as its really a bad habit.
For those that had to put up with me, I am really sorry. Especially the last few weeks, when there were a few big issues I engineered.
Anyways, all has passed and I am happy that everything is going smooth again.

Well not smooth as in how I do my work, well smooth as in my life probably.

I lost my wallet a few days ago.
I've learnt a huge deal from it, about the consequences of losing your I/C.
I felt bad about it all, but I didnt want others to worry about me, and with that, I made a huge fuss when no one seemed to care. Knowing that it has been my fault in the start, I apologize once again for bitching on these issues.

Chinese New Year is approaching already.
So are our exams for Business Management.
However, this year it is quite different.
I have lost a important friend last year, she has been quite a friend for me,
she has never walked away from me before
Before she had her illness, she was a really angel who had a real passion for food.
I miss her, the way she would perform all kinds of tricks for that little piece of BaGua.
Bagua has always been her favourite food. During CNY, she would even listen to people that she's seen for maybe once a year.
I hope that you have incarnated to a good life. I want to let you know, that I am sorry if I've ever neglected you, for you have never neglected me.
A few times I have visited punggol Ahma's house, but never managed to visit her.
I would walk around places where we've visited before, and hopefully in my dreams I would picture you with me there.
I am sorry for feeding you all the nice food that I've always had. Maybe it was our fault in the start to say.
A few times I would sit down at Blk 875, and watch little children run home with their grandparents.
I remembered how I first saw Zoe.
In my ahma's kitchen, I saw this cage with the "rabbit" inside.
I fell in love with her immediately. My brother and sister wasnt really that keen on her though. It has always been me and her.
Well, I hope I will not cry this year during CNY without you, when I see Bagua, I would think of you. I hope you will have a happy life. I bless you, with all my heart.
I miss you Zoe.
RIP 23 Nov 2007


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