Knowing that Graduation Day's already over, dont you ever get the feeling that you wouldnt have a chance to stick around, chill after school and just hang out with them? Have u have had the feeling of just thanking your friend, just to thank him/her for being around and to be there for all the problems that u face, be it calamity or happiness, just to turn the chance down in fear of being spite at? Oh well, i dont, cause friends stick together, and my friends, they do.
Lim Wei Min aka Orh JxxxI've known this guy since primary 3. So its 7 years of friendship if you know your math. haha, i aint saying this for nothing, he maybe look idoitic (from this picture :D) but he sure knows his stuff well. Academically wise, i've been pwning him since primary school, but turning point came when he underwent puberty and grew senses into his brain. HAH! His studies soar (nb, i dont really like saying this), and he got 1st in class for midyear and prelims. Zzz.
Undisputed joker of class 4EI know that guys like chatting with girls, but eh, this fellow used to chat with me on the phone, on almost every topic under the sun, until JINGYI came along. HAHA! im just joking. Seriously, this guy gives excellent advices. He helped me out not only with my academic work, but also in my life, especially days of my sec2 and start of sec3. Without his constant warnings of the future, I might not have made it so far til today.
"Last Steamboat" 14/10/06From the days of kic kok slippers and FBT shorts, we have all grown up, evolving to who we are today. Days we spent, from days of playing basketball at 850 basketball court during sec1 periods, studying in the same class in the old Sembawang campus, to playing basketball early in the morning on Saturdays at 346, and shopping trips and window shopping in town, are very memorable. Im sure that he understands me the best in our clique. He tells me that the O Levels are the final barrier of our secondary school life. And i understand that its the for 10 years of education that i've been through, and i'll work hard in my last 2 weeks. I thank you dude, for having shared with me the best times of my life & i wish that you and jingyi find bliss among our fast paced life. Now lets not get teary and move on to my next pal :D WHEE>
Friends for life HOR
"HUH?!, jiaowei la, im not fat, who says im fat?!"Mmm. i dont really have to intro much, cause i think the whole of the school knows about him. Do not be fooled by pictures (lol he looks like a retard in the pic), Nigel Pek swims like a frog in water. LOL! I mean, he can swim well, in fact, he's certified to be a lifeguard already. (i'm only 1 cert behind u pek). Didnt knew him much, though he was in the same class as me since sec1, until we got together in this group during sec3.
"Oh, I'm so sexy!"HAHA! Who would have known that he would became one of my most trustable and most daring friend, who would have done most things that most of my friends would want/dare. Peky, although you might view him as a retard or whatever, dont provoke him man. He'll punch you in the face arh. Nigel also has this irritating and blatant dog, named Mini. Oh well, its his dog and i shant comment more.
Nigel Pek aka Pek/Peky/BanditoMan, if i would to drop a hair for every comment our group hung out together with u around, i would have bald at the age of 16. LMAO! Nigel pek, i'll remember you no matter which educational institute you'll go, and I'll tell my children of you when i become a dad. KSL'll all be my bestman when i get married. You and the rest of the group shall become a part of me, no matter where i am and what i do, i'll carry a part of you with me, and Pek, good luck to you where ever you go, cause you'll need it. Hahha!
"A place, somewhere for me"-Look hard at the door in the backgroundDont blame me if you cant see whose head it belongs to, it was taken from weimin's ex w550i. LOL! well, if you managed to figure whose big head it belongs to, congrats. Anyway, its Jinhong's big head, which i think he was trying to act cute when ZhanQing was taking the pictures. Mmm, Jinhong, my 4 year classmate, never fails to bring joy to the class, relieving tensions during lesson time was one of this forte, no doubt.
The Big Three, with infamous Bike ZhongJinhong of the Sembawang Park Bikers LMAO!He was the guy, whom probably had spent the longest time with me in school, cause we are both combined sciences students, and we both enjoyed escaping classes, sometimes to grab something to eat (which jh had to fake the aunties that he had gastric pains which apparantly fooled them 4 times), sometimes to sit by the hall to talk about our lifes and sometimes, to stare into space. Although it might not have been much of an effort to you, it was hell of a time, and i treasured them man, cause i know, there wont be anyone who would jiaowei that much with me anymore in my next part of my life. Thank you Toh SuSu :P
"Panic in the Chem Lab"Introduced to our group at the start of sec4, he maintained a good balance of social contacts, both our clique, and his girl friends of class 4G. hahaa, no offence dude, but it turned out okay instead of some other's predictions. Loyal, jovial and truthful, please dont forget to bring him to any chalets cause he'll bring hell of a night with him. Work hard bro and next time your flair for acting will earn me an actor friend. Remember me well mate :D
CHEESEEEE! Langs loves the camera eh :DHAHA. Langston Lai. Never thought that you would be here eh? On my blog, being blogged by meh? Lol. Langs, the dumb guy, who tries to nap during Mdm Sue's lessons, never failing to blame the dumb weather that is at fault. Mmm, though he's kinda dumb to nap at Sue's lessons, he's still a bagload of fun. Always gossipping about school life and personal life, we were the hot targets for teachers, mainly Sue & Nora. Biangs, it was quite fun hor? Too bad it wont happen again ):
Taller and Tall?Well, Mr Lai, with his great smile, sparkling eyes LMAO! & daring wits usually soften our teachers. Pulling his sleeves of tricks, he tells me of what he watched yesterday, what what what taiwan variety show blah blah blah. Lol. Though i had one ear listening and the other leaving through the other, i had fun man. Looking at the way he tries to expression it to me, it was great fun trying to interpret what he's saying.
Extreme right, Langs seen with best pals from 4EOh well, i'll miss all the jokes, the gossipping, and the outings that we went out together. You better view my blog and tag it u ass! Hahaha, you should be getting less than 10 for your O's.
Though my next education path would be quieter without you, i'll remember u as the guy, the greatest MC that CCHY that had ever produced, the bestest tablemate of my school life and the friend that slept during mdm sue's lessons. Thank you for all the joy that u've brought to our class and our clique. Good luck to you & you better get good grades for the Os!
"Shiny Stars of KSL"Confidently the tallest guy of our CCHY express stream, he is the proud asset of class 4E and KSL. Knew him since sec1 cause we were both in the basketball team. I'm telling you, no one, can defeat him in basketball in our school, if he plays hard. His height, skills & teamwork, contributed to our team in many ways. Too bad he didnt attend trainings actively, if not he would have been scouted by the SBA to join the spore youth team. He's good im telling you.
Overnight studies at my houseKnew him much better when he attended the same tuition as weimin. Though he doesnt talk much, he thinks. Silently, he passes his ideas to people like weimin and nigel pek who would open their mouth like there's no tomorrow. HAH! joking only. His presence in outings, basketball sessions at 346 bb court and pool games at safra, added to the fun in every outing. It might not be much to you, but it certainly meant much to me hor dude :D
"Pillar of Strength & Power"One of the founding members of our clique, he maintained his studies well, despite our regular outings and hell during the holidays and ordinary school days. Man, after we really leave cchy liao, must remember me hor ): Maybe one day you would become a man hunk, haha, or maybe a model, but whatever you do next time, i'll remember u my friend. Good luck for the O's cause i know you work the hardest among us.
Gay man, kenneth song aka xiaoguaXiaogua, another founding member of KSL. One the most steady friends that i consider (me pek wm him), he is also one of the more active people in outings. Didnt knew him that well during sec3, like nigel pek, we bonded much well during the start of sec4, where we underwent lots of hardship, quarrels and mostly joy. He was also the editor behind our successful (can i say that? =x) video clips.
"The Last Steamboat" 14/10/06Time passes real fast. Very soon our o levels would be over, and we would be heading for different routes and very different places. However, I thank you for everything that we had shared, the times, the quarrels that we resolved together, the trips to Queensway and movie shows that we sat through. I hope that you and elvie would be happy til eternity and that you achieve the results that you worked for.

This is how i look when i wrote this entry, pretty sad and jaded eh.
Dont worry if you are not inside my entry friends, i'll blog again tonight, my mum's hounding me to my study desk le. Take care people and work hard.