Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Harry Potter

And there you go. All 7 of them. Could still remember the days, when I first started reading Harry Potter. Good old days. You cant deny that the first book Philosopher's Stone was the best, but nevertheless, its sad to know, to know that there wont be anymore Harry Potter and the Water Bottle or whatsoever. It is sad, because it feels like a part of your childhood, part of your imagination, thorn apart, never to return again. Many thanks to JK Rowling who made this all happen, thank you for the wonderful 7 years.

Friday, July 27, 2007

2 Holes

From 2 holes,
To the one that I've not spoke to yet, I dont understand, why you did that,
when I even rushed to the work for you.
Why the lack of appreciation, and the things you numbered down?

To the spoken one, please understand the pain that was inflicted to me already,
the dumb guy who approched me,
the unspoken one's evaluation,
my sad chase for better results.

Do you people feel the pain?
The pain from 2 swords,
from the people I worked with so well before.
Hold nothing back,
Im sick of being treated the way when I even tried to look out for you people.
Im engulfed in the pain,
the strain,
of wanting to iron out what you wanted from me.

Im not going to be angry,
talk to me,
ask me how I've been hurt.
For trying to be the best from what I used to be.

Pain, please dont swallow me away.

Fuck off

CCB. Dont worry it'll stay with me for good, and it wont ever be the same again

Sunday, July 15, 2007


So long since I updated.
Feels kinda wierd.